
Showing posts from October, 2021

A New Strategy Increases Hair Growth – Combination of Topical Adenosine and Caffeine Hair Tonic

                         Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics Abstract Male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FMPL) are important issues in cosmetic dermatology. The efficacy of hair tonic product containing 0.75% adenosine and 1.5% caffeine was assessed in male and female subjects with MPHL and FMPL. A single-blind, randomized, half-split study was conducted. Effectiveness of the hair tonic was assessed in the improvement of hair density by 6 weeks. In addition, satisfaction on product characteristics and hair shedding reduction were also evaluated. The results showed that the hair density was significantly increased by 40% and 55% at week 6 and week 8, respectively. Subjects scored high level on product characteristics and efficacy. No serious side effect was observed after the application. The results showed that 0.75% adenosine and 1.5% caffeine hair tonic were effective in MPHL and FMPL subjects with a high level of overall satisfaction. Keyword

Surgical Site Infections: Risk Factors and Post-Discharge Burden - Mini Review

    Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics Abstract Despite decades of attention and advances in medical treatments, surgical site infections (SSI) remain a significant problem to patients. Surprisingly, the reported incidence of SSI has not changed appreciably in the past five decades. If not handled properly, these wounds may have a very poor prognosis and cause serious physical and psychological harm to patients, which adds to morbidity to patient during the course of treatment, In this review, we aim to identify the risk factors for SSIs and post discharge readmission morbidity to the patient Keywords:  Surgical Site Infections psychological harm Morbidity Control and Prevention American Society of Anaesthesiologists Introduction Surgical site infections (SSIs) are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Although the quality of medical and surgical care has improved remarkably, the incidence of SSIs has not been decreasing in recent years. If not handled pro

Alopecia Areata and /or Totalis and Vitiligo: An Expression Extraordinary of Multiple (Overlap) Autoimmune Syndrome

  Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics Letter to Editor A 43-year-old mother of 3 young daughters was brought to the outpatients with the complained of excessive rarefaction of the scalp hair, following hair loss. The episode had its onset immediately after the delivery of the first child 15 years ago when her attention was drawn to a conspicuous, asymptomatic, hair loss localized at the temple of the scalp to which a little attention was paid. She was startled by the appearance of similar type of lesions in the adjoining part of the scalp coalescing to form a variegate configuration, ultimately progressing to involve practically almost whole (total) of the scalp, and embarrassing proposition, impelling her the use of wig as a camouflage, continuing its use until the next conception three and half year after. During pregnancy she had a substantive growth of hair span over a period of 9 month. The recurrence of events like that happening after first delivery concerned the