Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics Abstract Male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FMPL) are important issues in cosmetic dermatology. The efficacy of hair tonic product containing 0.75% adenosine and 1.5% caffeine was assessed in male and female subjects with MPHL and FMPL. A single-blind, randomized, half-split study was conducted. Effectiveness of the hair tonic was assessed in the improvement of hair density by 6 weeks. In addition, satisfaction on product characteristics and hair shedding reduction were also evaluated. The results showed that the hair density was significantly increased by 40% and 55% at week 6 and week 8, respectively. Subjects scored high level on product characteristics and efficacy. No serious side effect was observed after the application. The results showed that 0.75% adenosine and 1.5% caffeine hair tonic were effective in MPHL and ...
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