Juniper Publishers Open access Journals- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics

Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics

Expanding the Applications of Picosecond Lasers

Picosecond laser technology has garnered much interest since arriving on the dermatological scene. While its effectiveness in removing tattoos has been well documented, demonstrating its use in other skin lesions is an ongoing process. Because quality switched nanosecond lasers and picosecond lasers share a similar mechanism, clinicians hope that picosecond lasers will prove to be useful for similar skin lesions. There has been a great focus in particular on proving its effectiveness in treating pigmented lesions, acne scarring, photodamage, and wrinkling. The early data and impressive safety profile of picosecond lasers suggest that clinicians may have another tool they can use to treat these troublesome skin conditions particularly in patients with darker skin types.
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