Congenital Ichthyosis| Juniper Publishers- Open access journals

Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics

Authored by Gadzhimuradov MN

The article describes the own observation of lamellar ichthyosis - a child aged 14 months, was born from the 8-th pregnancy. It is noteworthy that out of 8 pregnancies mother has 3 stillbirths (2 boys, 1 girl), 1 miscarriage in the 2nd month of pregnancy, 2 medical abortion. Two surviving children are a girl of 14 years (health), and the boy. The patient was diagnosed with pathology of gastrointestinal tract, an allergic condition of body, high rates of C-reactive protein and the total of IgE, the defeat of internal organs which determine the severity of his condition. The literature indicated mainly in skin lesions in this disease, and sometimes mental retardation, and it occurs in consanguineous marriages. Considering that the parents of a sick child are not related to each other, it can be assumed that the mutation occurred during intrauterine development. Considering that this family has three cases of stillbirth it is necessary to examine mutagenic factors causing a gene defect. It is necessary to take into consideration the fact that none of family members of this family have been recorded by such a skin disease and by the fact of stillbirth before.

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