Rhinoplasty in Thick Skinned Patients, is there a Role for the Dermatologist?
Juniper Publishers- JOJ Dermatology & Cosmetics Abstract Rhinoplasty in thick Skinned patients can be very challenging. This is of great importance for surgeons whom practice involves patients from the Middle east, South America, Africa and Asia as a good percentage of the population has thick skin. In dealing with nasal surgery for patients with thick skin, many challenges arise; the relatively inelastic skin-soft tissue envelope, small weak nasal cartilages leading to weak structural support, the tendency for scar formation and prolonged post-operative edema are all culprits to less than ideal results. In this review, I would like to highlight the importance of proper skin management in dealing with such cases. This includes pre-operative skin preparation and post-operative care. Keywords: Rhinoplasty; Thick Skinned; Skin-soft; Epidermis; Surface Oiliness; Exfoliation; Ingredients; Skin Inflammation Introduction Pre-Operative Skin Preparation All Patients benefit from...